Welcome back to another episode of Campus Conversations! Dr. Bill Pink, the President of Ferris State University, is the host for this episode. This episode is all about the Ferris Experience and what Ferris has to offer to current and potential students. Guests Keonie Thomas-Russell, Jon Danna, and Cole Clark talk a bit about their major and what drew them to Ferris.
Keonie Thomas-Russell
Meet Keonie Thomas-Russell a Social Work major from Detroit Michigan. Keonie describes Ferris as a “home” and is grateful that Ferris feels like a home to her. She had her moment of self-discovery that has led her into social work, leading her to work with many amazing professors and students that she says brings everyone together and allows them to work well with each other buy sharing the same passion and love. Keonie has a soft spot and passion to help kids and with a social work degree her end goal of a child therapist is in her near future. Not only do the professors help Keonie with reaching her goal, but they also provide many opportunities to be of assistance and show what options are available. In social work they put you through internships to get your hands into the workplace.

The social work major caused Keonie to fall in love with Ferris and the resources on campus and the community. Keonie recommends the resources, such as the writing center that Ferris has to offer as well has her RSO “You Beautiful Black Women” Being a part of a community to connect with others that are like her, and to stick together and support each other. Keonie plans to return to Ferris in the fall to complete her master’s degree and fulfill her future as a child therapist. If you happen to know Keonie or see her on campus, be sure to give her a graduation congrats, and we hope that our bulldog Keonie continues to fulfill her goals and do important things.
Jon Danna
When John Danna was asked why he came to Ferris he mentioned that he decided to come to Ferris for its Criminal Justice program since he had heard a lot of good things about the program and about how the professors. Danna originally went to Western Michigan for education but ended transferring to Ferris and switching his major to Criminal Justice since he felt it was better suited for him. When asked about the program and how the experience has been Danna mentions that after doing some classes that they have to take before they can enroll in the academy at Ferris, he had to take the MCOLES Pre-physical test and after passing that he was able to enroll into the academy. Danna talks about how the academy is like a normal school year at Ferris, Danna also mentions that currently only nine people are in the academy currently with people leaving but he doesn’t see it as a bad thing and mentions that because their small numbers they were able to get closer as an academy and grow close with his professors.

When President Pink asked about what Ferris did to help them get to where they are today employment wise Danna talks about how he started working at DPS on campus in which he was able to get close with a co-worker who had done an internship at Newaygo County, that same co-worker was able to help him contact one of the sergeants and he was allowed to join an officer on a marine patrol which “Opened the door” about what law enforcement is actually about he also mentions that the same sergeant has helped him line up the job that he will have after he finishes his time here at Ferris soon. When asked about some of their best memories at Ferris Danna talks about when Trevor Wallace came to Ferris and how they got to be security for him he also talks about how the academy as a whole is something he feels like he will never forget. Lastly President Pink asks about what the future looks like for the students Danna talks about how he currently has a job lined up in Pittsfield township and has been moving very fast though the processes, Danna is hoping that he’ll be there for 25-30 years he is also hoping that he wants to further himself in the career.
Cole Clark
Joining us this week on Campus Conversations is returning host, president Bill Pink. He is joined by fellow student Cole Clark, as they discuss the school year so far at Ferris. Cole begins by discussing his program here at Ferris, being one of the first students in eSports production. He dives into the behind the scenes work he does while streaming for the Ferris esports team, mentioning how much time and work goes into it, and how the entire program works together to produce the live streams. President Pink then opens the discussion into the new esports arena, asking Cole about how it has contributed to his experience at Ferris. To which Cole talks about the friendships and bonds he has made this year, how the arena has fostered a place for those connections to be made.

Cole then dives into what a prospective student can expect when going into the esports production degree. He mentions that the degree opens a lot of doors for anyone, from casting, to production and coaching, the program covers a wide range of topics to give the students the best future possible. He mentions that the program contains a lot of wow factors, different things like getting the opportunity to travel across the state to run production for different events. He also mentions the wow factor that esports as a club brings, mentioning the success of the Valorant crimson roster last year. Cole rounds out his discussion with President Pink by discussing the opportunities he has for his future. He mentions the different events he plans on attending, as well as what he plans on doing with his future.