Ferris Sports Update 12.6.23

On the last episode of Ferris Sports Update this semester, Rob Bentley is joined by Mens Basketball head coach Andy Bronkema discussing how the team is stepping up with all their energy and excitement. Next Rob is joined with Hockey head coach Bob Daniels even though this last weekend, the scores were lopsided where even though we lost Saturdays game it still felt just as close as ever. Lastly, Rob sits down with Women’s head basketball coach Kurt Westendorp, claiming how we currently are doing the best in school history being placed seventh in the country!

Ferris Sports Update 11.29.23

This week, Brody Keiser talks Ferris Hockey, women’s basketball, and volleyball. Head Hockey Coach Bob Daniels touches on the team’s downtime during the recent bye-week and reflects on the 2023 Hockey season so far. Following hockey, Brody sits down with Head Women’s Basketball Coach Kurt Westendorp to discuss the beginning of the season. Coach Westendorp talks veteran players and the team recent three victories. Finally, Brody talks Volleyball with Head Coach Tia Brandel-Wilhelm. Coach Brandel-Wilhelm reflects on the 2023 season, and speaks on the growth displayed by the team.

Ferris Sports Update 11.22.23

On this week’s episode of Ferris Sports Update, host Rob Bentley covers the football game between Ferris and Grand Rapids with Head Coach Tony Annese, before talking about Ferris Volleyball with Head Coach Tia Brandel-Wilhelm, and finally closing the show with a discussion about men’s basketball with Ferris Head Coach, Andy Bronkema.

Ferris Sports Update 11.15.23

Welcome back to Ferris Sports Update! Rob Bentley is joined this week by Assistant Head Coach, Brian Rock as the football team prepares to head off into the Division 2 Playoffs for the 9th consecutive year. Head Coach, Bob Daniels also makes an appearance to discuss the hockey team’s performance at the Veterans Day honor game. Later on, Women’s Soccer Head Coach, Greg Henson joins the show to discuss the end of the soccer season.

Rob Bentley and Bob Daniels review hockey footage

Ferris Sports Update 11.8.23

Welcome back to a new episode of Ferris Sports Update! On this week’s episode, Host Rob Bentley kicks things off with Ferris State Football Color Commentator, Sandy Gholston. The two discuss the Bulldogs recent trip to Grand Rapids, and their 28-10 victory over the Davenport Panthers. Following Football, Rob talks Hockey with Head Coach Bob Daniels. Coach Daniels discusses the disappointment felt after Fridays 5-2 loss to St. Lawrence. The Bulldogs regrouped, however, and came out on top Saturday with a 2-1 victory. Finally, Rob talks Volleyball with Head Coach Tia Brandel-Wilhelm. Coach Brandel-Wilhelm talks the teams recent 3-1 loss at Grand Valley, and the 3-2 victory over Purdue Northwest.

Ferris Sports Update 11.1.23

On this week’s episode of Ferris Sports Update, host Rob Bentley meets with Football Offensive Coordinator, Steve Annese to discuss the Bulldogs’ impressive victory against the American International Yellow Jackets. Next up, we meet with Head Hockey Coach, Bob Daniels, as they discuss the Bulldogs’ games against Northern Michigan University. Finally, we meet with Head Basketball Coach, Andy Bronkema, as they discuss the beginning of their basketball season and how they will prepare for the rest of the season. They also discussed the first-ever Dawgs After Dark event, where they invited students to participate in various basketball activities.