Check out this week’s episode of Ferris In Focus as we explore a hometown favorite restaurant, the journey of a TDMP program professor, Spongebob recreations, and more!
Big Rapids Life
For this week’s “Big Rapids Life” we look at The Yellow Window Cafe & BBQ. Located on Maple Street in Big Rapids, MI. The cafe originally started as a craft store before the owner, Tammy Spring, decided to introduce a few food items. The thing that sets The Yellow Window apart from other restaurants in the area is that Tammy smokes her own meat giving all the dishes served a high quality, home-cooked taste, at an affordable price. For the hungry college student, it’s hard to find anywhere better to eat.

Bulldog Story
Andrew Tingley is one of our beloved Television and Digital Media professors here at Ferris State, but how much do you really know about his history? Andrew began his journey in high school as a senior where he took a class on how to shoot and edit video as well as a semester of live production giving him a great foundation coming into Ferris. Once here, he had a very similar experience to what you would have now as a TDMP student: filming live sports, studio shows, short films, and the list goes on. Once graduated and was done with his internship, Andrew eventually moved back to Grand Rapids where he started his first video production company, Creo Productions with his business partner Aron Carriere. However, after 5 years, the two would part ways and Andrew would start his second company Cinerrific. Eventually, Andrew would move back to Big Rapids where in 2019 he was asked to fill in for another one of the TDMP professors, Joshua Pardon, while he was on sabbatical leave. Andrew had fallen in love with teaching years before and after applying for the full-time position, he would find himself teaching the next generation of TDMP majors.

Memory Lane
Taking us down Memory Lane this week is TDMP major Jadelin Hinkle as she recalls her favorite moments from the iconic show Sponge Bob Square Pants. It holds a special place in her heart as it was a staple during her summer vacations where she would watch it with her brother and dad. One of the episodes that stands above the rest in Jadelin’s eyes is the camping episode of the show, as it has some of the best jokes in the earlier seasons involving Squidward and a sea bear. According to Jadelin, it’s just dumb fun and it’s nice to have that, especially today.

Program Spotlight
For this Program Spotlight, we are focusing on the Industrial Chemistry program. This program is a guide to the practical uses of chemistry in day-to-day life. Compared to a normal chemistry degree, the industrial one is a “beefed up” version with some elements of engineering mixed in. What makes Ferris’s version unique is that it is a very hands-on degree, allowing students to get a lot of experience for a job quickly. Some of the classes that a student could expect to take would be General Chemistry 1 and 2, Introductory physics 1 and 2, Organic chemistry 1 and 2, Quantitative analysis, and so much more. For anybody interested in chemistry, this program would be one of the best ways to break into the industry.

This week’s Cineskit is a story about a person struggling with a file and an ominous person in a mask following and watching his every move. It is a dark and mysterious story with the student being trapped in the building with what appears to be a time loop-type situation.

Ferris Asks
In this week’s segment, Ferris asks what the people’s thoughts are on Uno. A lot of people were not the biggest fan of uno, but they had a lot of interesting home rules to make the game more interesting. The most popular home rule is stacking, and a lot of people love that rule. They also asked them when the most memorable moments of playing Uno with family or friends are.
College Cribs
This week we also have a segment of college kids crib. This time we are going to Jayla’s house where we get to see the apartment of a college kid here at Ferris State University, they call it a haunted house because of all the spooky stuff in the house.

Animals of the ARC
This week on Animals of the Arc we are talking about Star, a four-year-old staff mix who is looking for a home. She gets along with children and other dogs but not cats.

Behind the Scenes
In Behind the Scenes, we went into the production of memory lane. They go into their reasoning for choosing SpongeBob SquarePants and the way that they put it all together.