On today’s episode, the team gets into the holiday spirit by taking a visit to Mecosta County’s Toys for Tots. Junior Ben Muma also gives us a tour of his treasure trove as well as his One-Piece collection. “Ferris Asks” comes with a twist, with the production crew being the ones to answer the questions instead of asking them.
Big Rapids Life
This week on Big Rapids Life, we take a look into the East Campus Suites. We hear about all the buildings offered for upperclassmen if they decide to move out of the dorms. Not to mention, learn a little more about what each suit is furnished with, including a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom. Giving off an open but also quiet environment. One of the most significant benefits we hear about is how close East Campus Suits are to the football field, making it easy to have family over and go to the game together! Not to mention how the East Campus Suites is within walking distance from the main campus. At the same time, it is also mentioned how safe and accessible the rooms are. With the independence and opportunity of convenience and low cost! For more information call (231) 591-3745 or email housing@ferris.edu!

Ferris Asks
On Ferris in Focus, we get to learn a little more about the seniors of the TDMP program who put this show together every week. We get to hear about how Kelsey is the face of TDMP and must use the bathroom a lot (she claims to have a small gallbladder {no proof has been shown yet}). The insults that are made within the class between Chad and Nolan. Being the class of firsts, such as the first senior class in the new Center for Virtual Learning, the first class of only four students, while being the first class of only six, and the first class where the power went off in the studio while filming a show. As for the struggles of creating the show, even though Nolan never struggled (even though he does), the stress of the given time frames, and finding all the interviews while also finding interesting shots for the b-roll. In the end, the seniors worked hard this year, and the professors said how they will remember this senior class is how Kelsey is the face of the TDMP seniors!

Meal Time
At mealtime this week, we learned how to make banana bread. With only ten simple ingredients, we are first shown to mix in the dry ingredients, followed by the dry ingredients in a separate bowl. Mix them all together, throw them into a pan, bake them, and enjoy!

Good in the Community
Next, we learn about the local chapter of the non-profit organization Toys For Tots. This organization allows parents who may be in hard times to get presents for their children through donated toys. Toys For Tots was started in 1947 by a marine’s wife who wanted children to have at least one gift to unwrap on Christmas morning. On the specific pick-up day, volunteers set up tables and assist parents in picking up the right gift. Contrary to its name, Toys For Tots is not exclusively bringing gifts to toddlers but to anyone living in Mecosta County between the ages of 0 and 18. The goal for this year is to reach at least 1,000 kids in Mecosta County. Visit their website for more information!

My Favorite
This week’s “My Favorite” features Gabrielle Brown as she tells us about her favorite show, Naruto. The show is about a group of ninjas called Shinobi, with a particular focus on one member, Naruto. Naruto is ostracized and shunned by much of his home village for being a carrier of the dangerous nin-tailed fox. Gabrielle likes Naruto because he learns to understand and listen to people, contrary to the Shinobi code that forbids having emotions. In addition, she can relate Naruto’s loneliness to her own life growing up. Sasuke is Gabrielle’s most disliked character in the show, as he is stubborn and unwilling to listen to others. Gabrielle invites everyone to watch Naruto as it is a fun adventure while showing viewers what it means to be the underdog, get past adversity, and not be lonely.

College Kids Cribs
This week we get to explore the crib of Ben Muma. One of the most notable things on the lower floor is a fridge covered in magnetic letters, which Ben says is his favorite part of the kitchen. Although most of the letters are jumbled in nonsense words, they are rearranged constantly by those living there. Moving around the lower floor, we stop at the living room, where Ben shows off the variety of game consoles he and his roommates can play on, from the N64 to the Nintendo Switch. One of his earliest memories here is playing Mario Party on the N64. Then, we are shown the bedroom, which is covered with posters and figurines, leaving no blank spots on the walls. Here, he discusses some of the sentimental things hanging around his room.

Animals of the Arc
This episode of Animals of the Arc introduces us to a two-year-old dog named Molly. Molly is a brindle breed and is very energetic, making fetch one of her favorite things to do. Molly is looking for a home that can give lots of love to her. For more info, visit www.arcofmecostacounty.com or call (231) 796-2683!

Come back every week during the semester for more great content!